Terms Related to Paranormal Research
Anomaly:  Something different, peculiar, abnormal, or not easily identified.

Apparition:  The visual appearance of a ghost/spirit.

  Astral Projection:  The phenomenon of the soul or spirit temporarily leaving the body and traveling to another place or time.

Clairaudiance:  The ability to hear things that are not audible to others.

Clairsentience:  The ability to sense energy from objects, people, places or things and be able to draw information from that energy.

Clairvoyance:  The ability to see things outside of the physical world without the use of your normal senses.

Demonology:  The study of demons or evil spirits.

Divination:  The practice of obtaining hidden knowledge about the future by the interpretation of supernatural communication.

EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomenon; A recording of unexplained voices or noises on a recording device.

Ghost:  The spirit or soul of a dead individual.

Medium:  An individual that is able to communicate with the dead by using clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance.

Paranormal: Unexplainable; beyond the range of scientific explanation--rare, supernatural, or unusual.

Parapsychology:  The study of mental telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and other paranormal phenomenon by means of experimentation.

Poltergeist:  A noisy ghost that is thought to be responsible for loud noises, footsteps, and moving objects. Often thought to be related to the psychokinetic energy unknowingly released from a living person.

Psychic: A person who is sensitive to supernatural forces.

Precognition: Having or being able to gain direct knowledge of the future by using extrasensory means.

Retrocognition: The ability to see or sense the past or past events by using extrasensory means.

Telekinesis & Psychokinesis: The ability to move things with one's mind.

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